Lessons From A Warrior

Lessons From A Warrior

by elainesuess

It’s all Lisa Kaminski’s fault. The link to the Warrior Dash race was in an email she sent to me. I clicked on it, and sufficiently intrigued, I decided it was time to become a warrior!

And even though I love being outside, and being active is a given for me, I’ve never seriously considered running because of the arthritis in my right knee.

However, with the opportunity to jump over fire, walk a plank and make my way through a mud bog, I cast concern for my knee to the wind.

Normally, in business, I would start asking questions like:

  • What’s my objective?
  • Will I need help, and if so, who needs to be involved?
  • What have I done in the past that has worked, or not worked?
  • What might keep me from reaching my goal?
  • How will I measure my success?
  • What will I do to celebrate?

In this case, I’ll admit I might not have covered all of those, but I did realize that in order to look like a runner and act like a runner, I needed running clothes. I found three shirts in my closet I had just considered donating to Saint Vincent de Paul. They weren’t getting a lot of wear, but were a perfect fit for my “training.”  I went, I ran, I jumped.

And, my knee’s not hurting. I put the shirts to good use. I tried something different. I entered a race!

Here’s what I know:


  • We already have what we need to accomplish what we want.
  • Trying new experiences expands us in ways we may never imagine.
  • Fear is a four-letter word. Challenging our fears often reveals them as untrue.
  • When you go through a mud bog, you’re going to get muddy. Be prepared!

What lessons have you learned this summer?

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